Since the founding of St James's School in 1931, the school has prided itself on its sense of community.
Over the years, a number of past students and former members of staff have kept in touch with the school in some shape or form. Indeed, many former students have returned to St James's as members of staff.
We recognise that, through the strong bonds of friendship formed at St James's, students have remained strong friends and have established their own social network.
Our aim now is to bring as many of our past and present school community together under one umbrella, our Alumni.
Initially, all we are asking is for former students and staff to get in touch with us to provide us with current contact details. Those details will not be shared with anyone outside of the current school staff. With the database created, we can then keep in regular contact with our Alumni to advise on forthcoming events and recent news.
Members of the Alumni will be welcome to help the school when opportunities arise and to attend relevant events, but there will be no pressure in either regard.
If you are a former student or member of staff please fill in your details below.